We are all looking for answers everywhere, we are looking for what’s true and not, for guidance …and we forget that the true inner guidance is already within us. The one that you have been looking for in your relationships, in your jobs, through you looks, in your material world….is and has always been within YOU.
Breathe Move Feel, is a 6 month container for women who are ready to take a wild ride back into their hearts. Because as romantic as it sounds, it takes building massive amounts of courage, determination and a lot of trust and willingness to go into this sacred space. And don’t worry if you feel you don’t have this, truth is you already in you, we will uncover all that is on the way of this truth. All you have to do is SHOW UP to your life and LIFE WILL SHOW UP FOR YOU.
You wouldn’t be here reading this if you weren’t meant to be here.