Hello beautiful 

Healing is combination of many things. A dance between awareness and action, shedding the past through integration and acceptance, a touch of stillness, a dash of movement. Looking within, breathing through the pain, feeling what has been wanting to be felt…Moving through the discomfort as you keep an open heart and stay inspired and committed in your vision.

I’m not gonna lie to you, there is no magic potion that makes the pain we feel disappear.

But the magic happens when the right balance of awareness and new choices are made. Thats when your life starts to change. When you stop being a victim of your past and regain your true power.

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We are all looking for answers everywhere, we are looking for what’s true and not, for guidance …and we forget that the true inner guidance is already within us. The one that you have been looking for in your relationships, in your jobs, through you looks, in your material world….is and has always been YOU.

Breathe Move Feel, is a 6 month container for women who are ready to take a wild ride back into their hearts. Because as romantic as is sounds it takes massive amounts of courage, determination and a lot of trust and willingness to go into this sacred space. 

you will navigate into the worlds of :


Every month in a new adventure into these areas within us… unlocking, accepting, healing, transforming and understanding ourselves.

I’m not here to give you the answers, but to empower you to look for you own answers and truth through you own inner adventure so at the end of these experience you feel confident in trusting your own inner guidance, to discern what it true for you vs. what others have told you. You will feel empowered in your self, confident in your choices, fully aware of your patterns and embodied in your sovereignty like never before, you will be the source of everything you need . 

We will use the innate intelligence of our bodies to clean and flush, we will breathe through the pain, we will move with the emotions and feel all parts of ourselves. 

Here is how we will do this :

We will meet twice a month live (online) for a 1.5- 2 hours session.We will start with a guided meditation and follow with class.There will be home-play for the following weeks.All calls will be recorded so you can l.png

This a slow soft yet intense beautiful process where there is no rush of getting anywhere, the only place we are getting is closer to ourselves.

Price is >>> 111.00$ <<< a month for 6 months. (Paid monthly)


555.00$ one time payment. ( Save 100$ )

If have more questions or you want to know if this is right for you , lets connect on a free 30 minutes call: