~ F R E E D O M ~

::The art of Being you::

A 10 week online experience for women who are ready to access their inner genius and create a life of Real Freedom.

We all want to be Free. But most of us confuse Freedom with a moment of pleasure and the occasional fun time.

But, what if I told you that real FREEDOM comes from only one place ? Yup, you know it’s coming …

YOU baby !

I know you’ve heard this before and still, there is a part of you that doubts or doesn’t understand how to access this.

Yet, you really want to live a life of Real Freedom where life is always working for you and every step you take is always fully supported.

Doesn’t this sound super expansive and light?

Don’t worry girl! I’ve also been on the other side; Living in fear, in a lack mentality that kept me broke, disconnected from my true source of power, making choices that where completely off with my true soul’s desire and trapped in my own stories of unworthiness.

It took me being on the “other side” and the willingness to want to get out of that pain, to be here right now, in this moment, living a life aligned with my heart, and experiencing the bliss and the freedom that comes from the understanding that life has always been guiding me for this moment, where I get to show up and share my knowledge and experience with others who are ready to lean into their


This is not a training, this is the Art of being YOU, on every level.


::What we will work on::

  • Rebalancing the Feminine & Masculine energies - To realize where you have been constantly pushing through life instead of flowing and allowing life to guide you.

  • Support - Come back home to your own divine support. The type of support that does not require money or a man or anything outside of you.

  • Choice : Take responsibility for your past choices and start to make new ones that support the life you wish to create

  • Abundance - Tap into your true source of abundance. Activate the vast infinite well of resources that lives inside of you.

  • Pleasure - Allow pleasure and fun into you life without guilt and shame, recognizing pleasure as your true birthright on every level.

  • Embodiment - The energetic download from mind concepts to tangible body expression.

  • Womb- Reconnecting with our sacred source of creative life force.

and more !


::How will we get there? ::

My style is a blend of :

  • Ancient Wisdom -Meditation, Breathwork, Sound, Voice Activations.

  • Embodiment Practices- Movement, Energy work, Somatic practices, Energetic activations.

  • Intuitive Coaching - I follow the energy of where we are and let wisdom come through me. I don’t plan anymore ladies. I listen and become a channel for what wants to come through for you.

:: after these 10 weeks you will ::

  • FREE yourself from any story that no longer serves you.

  • KNOW how to trust your intuition and make choices aligned with your truth.

  • BE able to identify the ego vs heart, allowing you to know where your choices are coming from.

  • BECOME friends with your past and integrate it into your life with gratitude and love.

  • RECOGNIZE the real source of everything you ever wanted is YOU.

  • ACTIVATE your super powers in order to call in and manifest your soul’s desires.

  • FEEL supported in every choice you make.

  • ADD pleasure and fun into your daily life.

  • LOVE yourself as you’ve never done before.


::what does a session look like ?::

  • We will meet live once a week for 10 weeks ( calls via Zoom, all recorded for your convenience, details of time and date when you sign up)

  • The live sessions are interactive, with time for Q&A. ( you interact as much or as little as you want ).

  • You will receive recordings with Meditations, Hypnosis tracks , Activations and funwork to support your process in between sessions.

  • You will be part of the Private Facebook group, with all participants to keep each other accountable for our progress and support each other along the way. Here you get to ask questions and receive support from the group and myself.

::What does it require from you ?::

This Program is everything that has gotten me and my clients out of dark times, it’s powerful in itself and even more powerful when you are willing to participate and dive deep into it. Shifting your life requires a strong commitment to yourself (don’t worry if you feel you don’t have it yet) I will activate that part of you, you just have to show up and be willing!

I will lovingly push you outside your comfort zone, as much as you let me.


Ladies, I have been preparing myslef for the last 9 months to birth this baby, it has taken lots of self nurturing, patience, triggers and a hell lot of surrendering to be able to feel at peace and confident and finally FREE to take you on this ride with me.

My life has changed drastically in a year, from leaving everything within my comfort ( job, house, country ) to embracing life as it keeps showing up for me.

NOW, with the deep trust and knowing that real FREEDOM is state of mimd, real FREEDOM is my ability to make choices, real FREEDOM is what I AM.

There is no longer anything to “achieve” but rather everything to BE.

The investment in yourself is 666$ for 10 weeks.

but, I have a special Offering for you

Take advantage of the :: Early bird :: Until Oct. 31 2019 !

  • For 10 weeks of transformational inner work

  • November 13 -January 29 2020

  • a 45 minute free private coaching call with me, to dive even deeper into your current situation


You will get all the recordings of every class, so you can work on them at your own time, all the funwork, processes, worksheets AND all the meditations and hypnosis tracks that help rewire your mindset, are yours to keep forever.

:::I’ve also joined forces with 3 special and powerful collaborators:::


Lydia Bisayllon


Lydia Bysallon from New York, hypnotherapist, will join us in a special session, where we get to dive deeper into a group hipnosis and heal ancestral feminine wounds through powerful deep group work.


Katri Levonen

Coach & Sound Healer

I’m also stoked to have my sister from Finland, Katri Levonen, a coach and sound healer, joining us for a WOMB Activation, helping us reconnect back to our creative space, activating the life force within us with her powerful work.


Daniel Suurna

Life Energy Coach

And last but definitely not least, my partner in crime, Life Energy Coach Daniel Suurna from Sweden, will be adding the masculine touch and guiding us through energetic processes into ourselves on a special session.

WOW!!! This is amazing ladies, I feel truly blessed of co-creating this sacred portal with my sisters and all of you who will hop on this magical ride into FREEDOM !

I Can’t wait to start this adventure with you !

:::What people are saying about Fiorella:::


“Somehow just through a very easy conversation Fiorella landed me smack in the middle of one of the biggest and most ignored parts of my life. I didn’t know it, but it was just the thing that most needed healing in me. It is something that is part of the foundation of who I am and I really believe this is the path through which my latest journey, the journey of healing my spirit has to go. She did that in less than ten minutes of conversation, and then guided me through the first steps of the work I have to do in order to heal. Everything began to change after this, I landed a great gig, and more things keep coming up. Now after my second session which was just as enlightening, things are moving even more rapidly”

Monica Locksey, TV producer-Miami


“Fiorella is incredible to take you deep when it comes to physical and spiritual pain. She peels off layer by layer and guides you past obstacles, fears and blockages to get to the core of the “problem”.

Linda Dyverfeldt, Lightworker -Sweden


“The greatest thing about Fiorella is that she does her own work. She works on her self all the time so that she can be intuitive and connected to a higher source when she’s working with you, giving you exactly what you need. Plus! I love her energy, you can’t fake that. I worked with her for several months and had so many breakthroughs. Before working with her, there was a lot of “theory” I knew in my head. But she helped me to experience all that knowledge with my heart. and that is a powerful thing. Once you go there, you can’t go back”

Tuti Loor- Animal Lover, beach bum, world traveler -Ecuador