Hello I’m Fiorella

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I was born in Peru, and moved to the USA where I spent most of my life. My creativity got me into the Television industry where I worked as a costume designer all my life, a very special and also hard environment to be in. I learned among other things that physical looks, money and a “secure pay check “ where not enough to be happy. I wasn’t. I decided to look further… My urge for exploration led me to travel around the world, looking for new ways of filling in the void that my upbringing and social conditioning had left inside of me. I trained in india and Bali as a yoga teacher, Los angeles for energy work, I went to Hawaii to become a Life Coach…Miami for Breathwork, back to my roots in Peru to work with “Pachamama” and plant medicine, Colombia for vibrational voice training and reprograming work.

 The more I traveled and the more I learned, the more I discovered about my self. A world started opening up in me, one that had a lot of pain and fears, one I didn’t even know existed because I had gotten so good at pushing down pain yet the weight was still there making my life heavy. Like this I began my inner adventure and Oh boy ! did I find stuff so hidden and so perfectly tucked away, that I had dismissed. Working on my wounds and tending to all the neglected parts of me became a lifestyle. It’s not something you do once but rather a way you choose to live, and I chose this life. I went from being a very shy quiet girl, so afraid of judgement, insecure, in constant need of alcohol and drugs to escape my pain, over working myself as a means to prove my worth and enrolling in toxic relationships as I didn’t believe I deserved better, to overcoming my story. I stopped being a victim of my environment and learned that I have a choice in my life.