Welcome to 21 days of Cacao Sacred Space

We will meet :

  • Monday November 6th 8am (Stockholm time). The same time every day for 21 days.

  • We will meet via Zoom.

  • Use this link to access the call every day : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8305582631

  • We will start at 8am, please have our cacao ready to drink. (Keep reading for recipes)

Creation of Sacred Space

Sacred Space:

  • Make sure you find a space where you feel comfortable and won’t be distracted.

  • Make this a beautiful space for you. You can create an altar with things that are meaningful for you.

  • You can have a candle to honor the fire element.

  • A glass of water to represent the water element.

  • You will receive from us the smudging kit that we will use to activate the air element.

  • And anything that comes from the earth to represent the Great Mother Earth.

  • You will also receive from us a Crystal. Crystals hold information, the deepest of earth medicine. So your crystal will assist you throughout this process and beyond.

  • We invite you to have a journal to write or make some scribbles if anything were to come up.

  • The meditations and sounds are best with headphones, so have them available.


Preparation of cacao :

  • Cut or shave your cacao paste with a knife or grinder.

  • Boil a cup of water with : (OPTIONAL Ingredients to add are)

    • Cayenne pepper

    • Cardamom

    • Cinnamon

    • Honey or agave

    • Vanilla

    • A pinch of salt

  • You can also replace the water with your favorite milk. ( Oat, almond or any plant based milk…regular milk its hard to digest and it can diminish the effects of cacao).

  • Once it has boiled, cool down to about 70c. (Never add cacao to boiling water).

  • Put about 15-20 grams (about 1.5, 2 big spoons of cacao) to your water and mix. We have noticed it mixes best with a frother (a coffee frother) or in a blender. But you can always just mix it by hand.

  • Have this ready for our gathering.

  • The whole process of preparing the cacao is also a ceremony. We invite you to clean your space, your cacao, and be mindful of how you are preparing it. Put your best vibes into the process as you start this ritual.

  • You can sing to it as you prepare it. Give thanks to all the elements that are assisting you to make this happen, and already get into the space of gratitude for the present moment.

  • The prepping should take you about 10 minutes.

If you miss a call, you can always watch them after as they will all be uploaded to google class.

Here is the link to Join google class:


Daily recordings will be uploaded to that link above after each gathering .

Looking forward to seeing you all soon !!!!!!

Fiorella & Daniel