Energy Reading
Unblocking and Re=programing
Unblocking and Re=programing
Healing is our ability to change our perception to a story/experience we have. Energy Readings allows us to connect with your Higher Self (the part of you that knows it all) spirit, soul and guides. We investigate, clean, harmonize and re-reprogram (change the story) any external energies affecting you at the moment that have accumulated from life, family, work, past lives, experiences and more.
Energy Readings dive deep into programs (energetic patterns that keep repeating) that you are carrying from past or present lives, healing and revoking active vows and contracts, adjusting levels of consciousness, cleaning archetypes and soul challenges, activating innate gifts and talents, healing essential qualities of your soul, cleaning master programs and more !
• What is the CAUSE of your problem at this moment.
• HOW is this affecting your life.
• What is the real purpose of all of this, where is the biggest healing from this?
What can you do to not start or go back into this patterns/situation again?
Realtionships to partners, jobs, family, friends.
Heal past relationships so you can more forward. Ex partners.
Clear spaces, house, physical spaces.
Clear future projects, businesses, ideas you are working on.
Physical pain. Emotional pain. Mental pain.
and more !
Sessions are fully intuitive and don't require you to be present . They are done online via zoom, and take from 60 minutes to 75 minutes.
Have a glass of water and something to write with.
This reading is for everyone 7 years old and up (Women, men, children, animals, spaces)