What is stopping you ?

Are you showing up in your everyday life with the same old baggage of fear and confusion?

You know… that feeling that every time you want to start something new, it pulls you back and stops you,

the extra weight of feeling trapped, jailed inside your thoughts and beliefs,

paralyzed physically and mentally,

not knowing where to start, what to do or how to change it,

doubting your calling, working a job that has lost it’s charm,

continuously worrying about how to pay your rent,

stimulated by the external world of phones, tv, social media, so that you can avoid the real and only cause of all of your stresses and pain?

Disconnection from your inner most powerful truth and the innate intelligence that drives your life, has become a disease that’s slowly making you sick on every level

Whether it is stress, anxiety, depression, shitty relationships, lack of purpose and motivation, lack of trust in your power, feelings of unworthiness and not good enough ….you have been disconnected from your true source of inner wisdom,


Connection is reflecting how you are creating your current reality. Everything in your life now is a total reflection of your inner state.

Drop into this and really feel it

The job you don’t like, the relationship that is not working , the depression you are currently living with, will and can be shifted once you’ve tapped into the root causes of the disconnection and allow the alchemical process of healing to happen.

The Alchemy of Connection Retreat is a portal for transforming your outgrown current state into one of truth and potentiality in every area of your life. An experiential retreat that will deepen your connection to yourself, plug you back into your power, re-connect you with your original mother EARTH, and re-balance the feminine and masculine energies within yourself

As you step into this remembrance of self, you will not only heal yourself of past traumas and patterns but also deepen your current relationships, find real freedom in your life, peace, joy, clarity of where to go and what to do, and jumpstart you into making new choices, based on a new truth, towards the life you want to create.

The one and only thing you have been looking for is YOU

For those who are ready to toss away the victimhood mentality, the endless excuses and all of the whys you can’t do something and reclaim your sovereign power

This is for you !


Immersed and assisted by the beautiful ancient land of the gods, GREECE, supported by nature, in a stunning ocean front villa, nourished by delicious healthy food, spectacular views, personal work and lots of fun!

:::::This is a conscious journey back home Through :::::

Group Intuitive Coaching

Daily Guided/Active Meditations

Energetic Activations

Munay Breathwork

Sacred Rituals

Shamanic Sound Journeys

Sacred Ceremonies

Embodiment Practices

Dance/Movement Activations


1 day trip to Athens to visit the ancient citadel of Acropolis and Phantenon followed by a

a visit to the charming picturesque village of Plaka in Athens

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We want every part of you to be fully supported along your powerful journey, that’s why we have a private chef on site that will be nourishing us with delicious healthy food to assist our physical bodies during this deep transformation


let’s not forget the energetic body!

1:1 Private Energy Healing Session to assist your energetic body into opening up with ease so that you can go even deeper (you can choose between Intuitive Coaching, Energy Work or Acupuncture )

Plus! we would love to support once you leave this retreat and head back home with

1 Private follow up online Coaching Session


:::A sample day looks like this:::

7:30 Am - Active Meditation, Breathing , Embodiment Practices ::: we will start the day with different types of guided meditations, and movement practices to activate the Chi in your body and connect you back into your heart

9-10 Am -Breakfast ::: Delicious healthy food prepared by our chef

10:15-12:45 - Class ::: Each day we will gather for conversations/talks about Connection, Shadow work, Inner child, Group work, and more

1-4pm - Lunch & Free Time ::: Time to process the information and integrate assisted by the beautiful surrounding we have, beach, nature, kayaks, sun and hammocks will be waiting for you

4-6pm - Experience ::: We will gather for an experience each day, so that we can embody and ingrain the energies in our cells with powerful sacred rituals, Munay Breathwork, Sound Healing, Ceremonies, Dance meditations, Activations.

7Pm- Dinner & Rest time

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::: The Alchemy of Connection Retreat :::

Starts Friday September 13 - 7:30 pm - with a Welcome Dinner.

Through the week we have a free day where we will take a ride into Athens’ ancient citadel Acropolis, after that we will take a stroll into one of Athens oldest towns PLakas, ( you are free to stay with us or wander on your own , we will go back home together in the evening)

Each day will be different in the content provided, the more we dig in the more we will unravel together as a group and the stronger the energetic portal we will create into new realities of self

We want you to create flow and connection, experience love and potential, feel inspired and clear so the you can step into the most potent vibrant powerful version of yourself , the real you , where every decision and choice is in resonance with YOU , where you say YES to your YES, experience your YES and live your YES !

:::What’s included ?:::

8 nights, 9 days in a beautiful ocean front villa in Malakonta, Greece ( 1 hour from Athens)

Shared accommodations ( rooms are selected first come first serve basis)

3 Healthy meals a day, and snacks prepared by our on site Chef ( mainly plant based and fish )

The Alchemy of Connection Program ( all classes, ceremonies, rituals )

1:1 Private Energy Healing session during the week ( your choice of Acupuncture, Coaching or Energy work )

1:1 Private Online Follow up session ( within the next month )

Entrance to Acropolis on free day

Transportation to Athens on free day ( back and forth )

:::Not Included:::

Flight to Greece

Transportation from airpot to villa and back ( we can help you arrange this once you are booked)

One meal ( Lunch during free day in Athens, you can eat out at a restaurant of your choice )

Early Bird Price :

1444 Euros paid by July 14 - 2019

1666 Regural Price

::: Only 10 spots Available :::

You can reserve and take advantage of the early bird by registering with 444 Euros deposit

Payments can be made by Credit Card or Paypal

Email Fiorellagaribaldi@me.com with any questions


Fiorella Garibaldi


My name is Fiorella Garibaldi and I’m an Activator, Creator and Alchemist of the magic within. . I’m also a Yoga teacher, Breatwhorker, and Energy worker. My journey into self discovery and getting clairity about what I wanted in life and who I am, came in big part from working with all the different modalities which I now offer.

I’m a lover of experiences! specially the the ones that get me closer to myself, expand my consciousness and connect me back to my truth. I’m fascinated with the mysteries of the universe, and I know that there is more than this physical reality, there is more of us wanting to emerge. We are a time of ascension, lets do this work together.

Looking forward to co-creating this magical week together with you !


Daniel Suurna


Hello my name is Daniel Suurna and I’m a Life Energy Coach and Bodyworker. I have worked with Coaching, Energy work, Craniosacral therapy, Traditional Chines Medicine (mostly acupuncture), Swedish Classic Massage for more then half my life. My passion through out my life has been movement in any form, physical, energetic, emotional, fantasy, mental, nature etc. I love working with the flow of energy and emotion and helping/assisting people getting back to there true nature, their movement, flow, momentum. Taking people from stagnation-movement-into momentum.

:::Testimonials Of our Work :::

(Past Retreats, workshops, Energetic treatments, coaching , Breathwork )


:::Energy Treatment :::

I have done a lot of energy work with different people, and Fiorella and Daniel together are magical ! They are energetic weavers. Daniel opens up past wounds in a beautiful subtle, soft yet powerful way. He knows how to ask the right questions that allow you to relax and open up even more, he takes you out of your head and into your heart. Fiorella acts like a golden thread that comes in and weaves everything together with her energy and love. The live session I had with both of them has been one of the most amazing sessions of my life”

Barbara Paredes-Fernandez -Photographer -Miami


:::Munay Breathwork :::

Your Breathwork Facilitation with music, shamanic drums and crystal bowls, was an AMAZING journey ! I went through RELEASING mental blocks, shaking out the physical, cellular constraints through my legs, allowing the tears to flow and the voice to express… then dropping into a mesmerizing meditation of visions and inspirations! An extraordinary experience , Thanks for sharing your gifts of love, presence and safe support.

Terry Rainier - Transformation and Innovation Coach -Thailand



During my first coaching session with Daniel and Fiorella, I was able t reconnect with the little girl that lives inside of me. During the energetic part of our session I felt my head, my arms and my entire body expand so much that it almost felt a portal was opening up inside of me and I couldn’t fit in my being anymore - it was a powerful energetic experience of making room for the little girl that had been wanting to come through me for such a long time. I have done a lot f work on myself and this one was a very powerful session where connection was made. I now listen to her first and ask her every day what she needs before making any decisions. She is my guru and guide and this has changed my life and taken my relationship with my self to another level ! Excited for what’s to come ! Thanks Daniel & Fiorella

Karina Cespedes - Tv Producer & Photographer -Miami



During my phone session with Daniel I was feeling a lot of insecurity and a strong need to feel safe. We walked through this fears as they showed up in my field as dark, cold blue energies.

Once we released them through the powerful processes, I got the message that I should listen more to my dreams and desires, and to make sure I take action towards fulfilling them.

We also found energies blockages in my lower ribs, they were acting as a barrier stopping me from stepping into my power and full connection with nature, which is the place where I find love, creativity, joy. I had been stopping myself from feeling all of the creative force that lies in nature.

Daniel has the ability to help us release the things that are stopping us from becoming our true authentic and genuine self. Thanks Daniel !

Maya - Transformational Healer -Sweden


:::Munay Breathwork :::

Breathwork was a life changing experience, through it I discovered the power within me. For the first timeI felt fully aware of the amount of energy that we all carry inside and we don’t even know about. The days following my first breathwork ,I had so much energy, I was focus and tackled everyday full of energy. I saw things more clearly, which I believe was due to an intuitive sense that opened up. When it came to the important decisions of my life I I felt more assertive and strong about my choices. in general I felt centered for several weeks. The actual experience was very shocking to me. I am not very experienced with the holistic or spiritual world, I attended sort of skeptic to the session thinking that it was more about relaxing than anything else. However, it was more powerful than that. I felt an intense electricity in my body that it kind of “hurt” for some minutes. That’s when Fiorella guided me through it and just said “surrender to it.” My hands and feet where completely immobile and the energy running around my body was one of the most and amazing things I have ever felt. After the session I described it as I discovered God, the universe or a higher power but it was just discovering all of that existing in me.

Dennise Dulanto - Peru